Points to Consider Before Submitting Manuscript
1- Manuscripts submitted to our journal should not have been published before or sent to another publication at the same time.
2- Title: It should not exceed 12 words, should be written in bold and capital letters and 11-point font, and its second language equivalent should be placed before the English abstract in bold and lower case letters with capitalised initials and 10-point font.
3- Author's name and surname should be written in the centre under the title, in capital letters, in 11-point font, bold and italicised. The author should indicate his/her institution, title, e-mail information and ORCID number in the footnote at the bottom of the page on the first page of the article.
4- Abstract: It should be at least 100 and at most 200 words and should be prepared in a way to give the essence of the article. There should be no citations, references, figures, charts, etc. in the abstract. Two abstracts, one in Turkish and one in English, should be prepared for each manuscript; however, if the manuscript is prepared in a language other than these languages, a third abstract in the relevant language should be included. For articles prepared in a language other than Turkish and English, a third language abstract should be included respectively. Abstracts should be identical in terms of content and should be written in Times New Roman and 10-point font, indented 1 cm from the left.
5- Keywords: A minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 keywords should be given just below the abstract. Keywords should be prepared in Turkish, English and, if available, in a third language and should be written in Times New Roman, 10-point font, indented 1 cm from the left.
6- Article Text: Manuscripts should be typed on a paper with a width of 16.5cm and a height of 23.5cm, single-spaced and 11-point font, with a margin of 2.6cm at the top, 1.8cm at the bottom, and 2 cm each on the right and left sides, and should be page numbered starting from the second page (the title page should be considered as the first page).
7- The text of the article should not exceed 8000 words and should be written in MS Word programme and Times New Roman font. Tab key should not be used at the beginning of paragraphs and enter key should not be used between paragraphs. In order to leave a space between paragraphs, 6nk spacing should be given before and after.
8- Subheadings: Second level headings should be written in bold and lower case letters with capitalised initials, in 11-point font, and numbered.
9- Referencing: Quotations and citations should be made according to APA referencing system. References should be cited not in the form of footnotes, but in the text using the short citation system, i.e. (Tekin, 1988, p. 68), (Davletov, 2008, pp. 83-85), and the sources should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the article. If an oral source is used, it should include the name, surname, date and place of the interview. When electronic sources are used, the date of access must be specified.
10- Quotations: Quotations of five lines or less should be given between the lines and in quotation marks, and quotations longer than five lines should be indented one centimetre from the right and left sides of the line, in blocks, in 10 font size, single-spaced.
11- Footnote: Explanations other than referencing and indirectly related to the main subject of the article can be made by using footnotes starting from one. Footnotes should be written in 10 font size at the bottom of the page.
12- Tables and Figures: Each table should have a title including the table number and name. If necessary, explanations for symbols should be shown immediately below the table. Figure descriptions should be numbered and arranged in order.
13- Prepared tables and figures should not exceed the specified page dimensions (16.5cm-23.5cm) and should be placed properly in the section where they will be included in the text.
14- The pictures to be included in the publication must be professional drawings or photographs. The number of figures, author and "subject" should be clearly indicated below each figure. The final resolution of black/white, two-colour and colour pictures in electronic media after the measurements are given should be 300 dpi, and line drawings should be 800-1200 dpi. Images included in the text should be in .gif or .jpeg formats. In addition, these photographs and pictures should not exceed the page dimensions (16.5cm-23.5cm).
15- Language and Spelling: The language of Hacettepe University Turkish Studies, but the Editorial Board may include articles in English, French, German and Russian, especially in Turkish languages, at the rate of one third of the journal if it deems appropriate.
16- Articles written in Turkish must comply with the current Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Association in terms of spelling rules.
17- Copyright: The author agrees that he/she has transferred the copyright of his/her article published in Hacettepe University Journal of Turkish Studies to Hacettepe University Institute of Turkic Studies. The articles published in the journal cannot be reproduced in whole or in part by any means without the written permission of the publisher. The articles, pictures and figures in the journal can only be quoted by third parties by citing the source. It is the responsibility of the author to provide the necessary permission for the reproduction of pictures, tables, figures and the like.
We kindly ask you to use the dergipark address for article submission: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/turkiyat