Institute of Turkish Studies
Editorial Principles

Aim and Scope

Hacettepe University Journal of Turkish Studies (HUTAD), is a referred journal published semi annually since 2004, by the Institute of Turkish Studies at Hacettepe University. The Journal covers theoretic and/or practical studies on historical, linguistic, corporate, social, cultural, economic, political aspects related to Turkish Studies as well as contemporary issues in an interdisciplinary approach.


The articles sent to the journal for publication are scanned with the Turnitin program and their similarity indexes are checked. Articles with a similarity rate of more than 10% are not accepted to the journal. Those with a similarity rate of less than 10% and those found suitable as a result of the preliminary evaluation of the Editorial Board are sent to two field experts, with the name of the author hidden, to be reviewed and reported. In line with double-blind review, authors cannot see referee names and referees cannot see author names under no circumstances. In cases where both reports are positive, the article is accepted to the journal; If one of the reports is negative, the opinion of a third expert is sought. Articles, for which two negative reports have been issued, cannot be published in the journal. Authors are expected to take the criticism, evaluation and suggestions of the Editorial Board or experts into account; however, the authors also have the right to examine the reports and express their own opinions. Referee reports are kept for a period of two years. Articles sent to the journal are not returned whether they are published or not. The authors bear full responsibility for their opinions expressed in published articles.

In the preliminary evaluation process, firstly, it is checked whether the articles have been published elsewhere, whether they are technically compliant with the journal rules and their similarity rates. At this stage, articles with a similarity rate below 10% but requiring correction in terms of form are sent back to the authors, and after the authors make the necessary corrections, the articles are taken to the preliminary evaluation stage again.

Articles that pass the preliminary evaluation are refereed at the monthly Editorial Board meetings. Thus, the evaluation process starts with at least two referees in accordance with the principle of double blind refereeing.

The Editorial Board decides which issue to publish the manuscripts with positive referee evaluations according to the subject distribution, arrival and acceptance dates. After all articles to be published are proofread in Turkish and English, they go through technical control and layout stages and authors are requested to approve the final versions of their articles and to sign and send the Copyright Transfer letter.

General Rules

Contact: Authors should use the following address for their communication with the Journal:

Hacettepe University

Institue of Turkish Studies

Beytepe Campus 06532 Ankara

Tel: + 90.312.2977182 / 2976771

Fax: + 90.312.2977171

E-mail: hutad@hacettepe.edu.tr / hacettepehutad@gmail.com

HUTAD Web Page: //hutad.hacettepe.edu.tr

Important Points to be Considered by the Authors

The articles should be sent to the address https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/turkiyat. The authors should indicate their affiliation, titles, contact information and ORCID number at the bottom of first page of articles. The type fonts (PC –compliant) used in the texts that consist of special translation writings should be added to the e-mail message.

In addition, authors should indicate in the footnote that they comply with all the rules of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and in articles with two authors, the Authors' Contribution Ratio and if there is a statement that the authors want to make about their article, they should write the information about it in the footnote on the first page of the article.

Articles sent to HUTAD should not been previously published or sent to another journal. Papers presented at a scientific meeting can be accepted provided that they are separately stated and have not been published before. On the first page of the article, it should be stated on which date, in which event the paper was presented and that it has not been published anywhere else. More than one author name may be accepted in interdisciplinary studies. However, the contribution rate of all of them should be indicated.

In our journal, more than one work of an author in the same period is not evaluated. In addition, the same author's article will not be published for two consecutive issues.

The article volume should not exceed 8,000 words at most in the application. Article appendices with a reasonable word count can be excluded from the 8000-word limit.

In articles derived from a thesis, if the author has written the article together with his/her advisor, he/she can add the name of the advisor as an author by specifying the contribution rate. In the footnote, it should be stated that the work is derived from the thesis.

More than one author name may be accepted in interdisciplinary studies. However, the contribution rate of all of them should be indicated.

Title: Not longer than 12 words, the title should be written in bold and capital letters.  The translation in English should be accurate and placed above the English abstract in bold and small letters with capitalised initials.

Author’s Name: The name and the surname in bold and italic capitals should be written in the middle under the title. The authors should indicate their affiliation, titles, contact information and ORCID number at the bottom of first page of articles. The authors should indicate the name of the author in the footnote.

Abstract: It should be between 100 and 200 words and prepared in a manner that reflects the article’s content. In the abstract, there should not be any quotation, source material, form and chart. Two abstracts, one in Turkish and one in English, should be prepared for each article; for articles prepared in English, the order of the abstracts should be English and Turkish. It should be written in 10-point font, indented 1cm from the left. They should be identical in terms of content

Key words: At least 5, at most 10 key words should follow the abstract, written in Turkish, English.

Article Text: The texts should have width 16,5 cm and height 23,5 cm written single-spaced and with 11 point letter size.  The indent should be 2cm and page numbers begin in the second page (considering the title page as the first page) and by selecting the different option on the first page in the word program.

Paragraphs should not be indented at the beginning and paragraph breaks should not be spaced with the enter key. In order to leave a space between paragraphs, 6nk spacing should be given before and after the paragraph tab in the word program.


Second level headings should be written in bold and lowercase letters with capitalized initials, in 11-point font, and numbered. Third level and lower level headings should be written with capitalized initials, lowercase letters, 11-point font, and numbered. Attention should be paid to numbering in the titles. Introduction, conclusion and bibliography should not be numbered.

Language and Writing

The language of Hacettepe University Journal of Turkish Studies is Turkish, but upon Editorial Board approval, articles in Turkic Languages, and English are published up to one third of the journal. Articles written in Turkish ought to be follow the rules of the Turkish Language Association’s Dictionary.

Citation/Bibliography: References and quotations follow the APA system. Citation for quotations and references should be shown using the short citation system in the text, in other words (Tekin, 1988, s. 68), (Davletov, 2008, ss. 83-85), not in a footnote style and the bibliography should be arranged at the end of the article in alphabetical order and with the whole tag.  Interviews include the persons’ name and surname and the date and place the interview was held. When electronic source material is used, the date accessed should definitely be indicated.


1- In Quotations Less Than Five Lines

If quoting directly from a work, the author should include the year of publication and the page number for the reference. It should be noted that the abbreviation “p.” should be used for a single page, “ss.” should be used for multiple pages, and in the case of double page citations, a hyphen should be placed between the page numbers if the page range is to be specified; if two different pages are quoted, a comma should be placed between the page numbers.

If a statement starting with the author's name is used before the citation, only the publication date and page number should be given in parentheses since the author's name is given.

If the statement does not begin with the author's name, the author's surname, year of publication and page number should be given in parentheses at the end of the quotation sentence and a full stop should be placed at the end of the parenthesis.

2- Quotations longer than five lines

Block quotations should be written independently from the text, indented one centimeter from the right and left, in Times New Roman in 10-point font size, and quotation marks should not be used.

3- In quotations from sources that do not contain page numbers, another logical identifier should be cited. For example, a paragraph, a chapter number, a table number. In older works (such as religious texts), special identifiers such as verse numbers can be used. In short, page numbers should be replaced by an alternative that makes sense for your source.

Footnote: General clarifications apart from quotations are given in numbered footnotes. The footnotes should be written in letter point size 10 and appear on the relevant page.

Tables and Graphics: Each table should have be numbered and bear a name title.  The explanation for symbols should be shown right under the table. The graphic explanations should be numbered and arranged in order. The tables and the graphics that are prepared should not exceed the signified page sizes and they should be properly put in the relevant text sections.

Pictures to be published should be either professional drawings or photographs. The number of graphics, the author and the ‘topic’ should be clearly pointed out following each graphic. Their last digitalised two-coloured-white/black- and colourful pictures’ resolution should be 300dpi whereas line drawings should be 800-1200 dpi. The pictures added to the article are required to be in the .gif and .jpeg formate.


The author agrees that he/she has transferred the copyright of his/her published article to Hacettepe University Journal of Turkish Studies. Articles or part of them cannot be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Third parties can quote articles, pictures and shapes provided that they will give full reference. Permission for the copy of the pictures, tables, and shapes are the exclusive right of the author.

Fee Policy

Our journal does not charge any fee from the authors in any process.

Bibliography Examples